Month: August 2012
Ink, Inc.
On the road Sebastian and I came up with an invention, that, like Cactus Tractor, Cat Distractor and many other misheard musings, is sure to make us rich and famous forever. Sebastian’s family has, stored in their garage, a small tea tin containing the remains of much loved family pet named Mushroom (careful readers of…
Jason Warshof’s Cactus Tractor
We returned to Albuquerque on Friday, quizzed friends about our tour with questions from this blog (Stef won, even though she just sort of skimmed the blog while Bethany studied it in detail all day long), and barely woke up in time to get to our regularly scheduled Saturday morning gig at Tiles of Santa…
Jar Guy Should Keep Not Wearing Clothes
“Jar guy should keep not wearing clothes.” This was one of Ginger’s musings on this art project (“Five Guys Take Same Photo For Thirty Years”). Also, drastic disappointment that the roach and its photo of a rock star were not in the jar in any but the first photo. What a letdown. We’re at the…
Candid photos from the lives of artists.
When we visited Glenna in Milwaukee, David got put in prison for imitating a raccoon. They just don’t stand for that kind of thing there! However, everyone seemed to be fine with Orson imitating a hopping beaver (look for footage soon)! When we moved Paul Wilhelm out of his Hyde park apartment in Chicago, we…
Wait, are you already famous?
In Galesberg, Illinois. –Sitting in the pleasant breeze of a lazy summer window, Earle Grey tea at hand, cicadas and trains syncopating the background sound scape. There are giant red candles massed out across the wide window sill boards next to me. Leafy shadows romantically caress the computer screen in front of me and a…
A Hot Mess
We’ve been on the road for almost two weeks. Sleeping on a variety of surfaces, bathing in different parts of Lake Michigan, gleaning our water from coffee and rivers, and eating every other day has some interesting results. It feels like I’m at a perpetual 3rd grade slumber party. Everything that is gross is also…
My Wet Pile of Horrible Everything
Swimming in Lake Michigan, or “the Ocean,” as I’ve become accustomed to calling it has been wonderful. However the Ocean was also indirectly responsible for a harrowing series of events and a string of sleepless nights: starting with the first moment that my head went under water. I came back from the beach with slightly…